

(центральный салон "Блэк")

+7 716 255 25 85 +7 702 225 25 85

Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 10.00-16.00 без обеда


+7 747 731 01 01

Пн-Сб 10.00-20.00 без обеда


+7 777 900 60 09

Пн-Пт. 10.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 11.00-16.00 без обеда

Время работы интернет-магазина
Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00,
Сб 10.00-16.00

Return policy

The goods of good quality can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase. When returning / exchanging, the goods must be free of defects.  

Before returning/exchanging the goods, an examination is carried out at the manufacturer’s enterprise. The cost of additional verification (examination) of the quality of the goods is paid by the seller (manufacturer). If as a result of the inspection (examination) of the goods it is established that the defects of the goods are absent or arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer due to violation of the established rules of use, storage or actions of third parties or force majeure, the consumer is obliged to reimburse the seller (manufacturer) the costs of inspection (examination), as well as related to its transportation costs.

Check with managers for details.

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