

(центральный салон "Блэк")

+7 716 255 25 85 +7 702 225 25 85

Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 10.00-16.00 без обеда


+7 747 731 01 01

Пн-Сб 10.00-20.00 без обеда


+7 777 900 60 09

Пн-Пт. 10.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 11.00-16.00 без обеда

Время работы интернет-магазина
Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00,
Сб 10.00-16.00

Cooperation conditions

The “Black” company works with individuals and legal entities.
Cooperation with black is possible in the following areas:
    1. Become a Distributor 
    2. Become a Provider 
    3. Become a Partner
Distributor «Black» is an organization (LLP, IP), which is engaged in the sale of products of the company under certain conditions under the contract. To view the terms of the contract, fill out the application form or contact the Manager.
Supplier «Black» is an organization (LLP, IP), which implements for the company: lumber, consumables, varnishes, paints, etc. In order to see the terms of the contract, fill out an application form or contact the Manager.
Partner. If you have something to offer the «Black» company on mutual cooperation (products, blanks, work with stone and metal, etc.) fill out the application form or contact the Manager.
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