

(центральный салон "Блэк")

+7 716 255 25 85 +7 702 225 25 85

Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 10.00-16.00 без обеда


+7 747 731 01 01

Пн-Сб 10.00-20.00 без обеда


+7 777 900 60 09

Пн-Пт. 10.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 11.00-16.00 без обеда

Время работы интернет-магазина
Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00,
Сб 10.00-16.00

Service maintenance

The “Black” company offers you lifelong service.

If you have products purchased in the “Black” company and you have a need to do restoration or just to refresh the product, our company will help you with this.

The cost of restoration is calculated individually, depending on the complexity of the work.

You can fill in the application form here _____________

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