

(центральный салон "Блэк")

+7 716 255 25 85 +7 702 225 25 85

Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 10.00-16.00 без обеда


+7 747 731 01 01

Пн-Сб 10.00-20.00 без обеда


+7 777 900 60 09

Пн-Пт. 10.00-19.00 без обеда,
Сб 11.00-16.00 без обеда

Время работы интернет-магазина
Пн-Пт. 09.00-19.00,
Сб 10.00-16.00

A brief overview

“BLAСK” LLP – the leader in handmade wood processing, participant of international, Republican and regional exhibitions, winner of top awards.

Today in Kazakhstan to national traditions and culture are treated with love and attention. Kazakh culture is rich in the elements of the national and historical traditions. The importance of their conservation and multiplication in the modern life of Kazakh people is the main task of the «Black» enterprise. All products of “Black ” are copyright of the enterprises exclusive in its execution. For 28-year-old (from 1989) seniority the company has earned high reputation and trust among clients and partners. Established production, knowledge of wood technology and extensive experience allow to produce products of high quality and in large volumes, using such woods as birch, white willow, beech, Linden, pine.

The «Black» company is the largest enterprise in Kazakhstan and in other countries of the EEU, specializing in the production of national Kazakh dishes in a large assortment of natural wood. In particular, the interior life of the Kazakhs, furniture, tables, chests, musical instruments, gift compositions in the form of a panel on the topic of Kazakh epics and much more. Today, works of authorship «Black», there are about 500 types of different products: furniture (tables, chests, chairs, cradles, etc) and cooking utensils (astau, tabac, plates, Cutlery(tableware), and more.etc.). Each piece is exclusive in its execution, because 70% of the work is done manually by the masters.

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